Please Note:

One * = Didn't like it, Don't recommend. Two ** = Typical. Worth seeing at least once. Three *** = I enjoyed it! Worth seeing more then once.
Four **** = It's great! Add it to your all-time favorites list! Five ***** = Epic! Highly Recommended. A totally memorable drama/film.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Grandpas Over Flowers Investigation Team

Grandpas Over Flowers Investigation Team/ Flower Grandpa Lab/ Flower Grandpa Investigation Unit/ 꽃할배 수사대/ Kkothalbae Soosadae ** (korean)
12 episodes
Kim Hee Chul as Park Jung Woo (undercover)
A little light on the romance, the comedy is worthy of several laughs (or groans), and the plot moves right along. Favorite scene(s): Moving in with family.. with a note from himself, and engaged density.

A new detective squad is formed under the watchful eye of a rather unwilling older captain for a special case. The trail leads the youthful investigators to a warehouse where they are met with the soggy issue of two old guys in a tank of water, with a note tacked to the tank claiming them to be in their 20s. Upon jumping in to free the codgers, they suddenly find they have aged greatly.. all but one of the 4 that jumped in, now sports white hair, balding and wrinkles of 70 year olds! It suddenly becomes a race against time to find those responsible for their transformation and reverse it before all is old age.

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