Please Note:

One * = Didn't like it, Don't recommend. Two ** = Typical. Worth seeing at least once. Three *** = I enjoyed it! Worth seeing more then once.
Four **** = It's great! Add it to your all-time favorites list! Five ***** = Epic! Highly Recommended. A totally memorable drama/film.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart/ 하트 투 하트/ Hateu Too Hateu ** (S.Korea)
16 episodes
Choi Moo-Sung as Butler Aun Byeong Yeol

Kind of a weird start for this story. I warmed up to it by about the 4th episode and glad I did. It was worth watching. Not to be a sorry spoiler but.. Favorite scene(s): A chat-back heart to heart with grumpy ol grampa.

A girl with a couple of.. embarrassing quirks preventing her from confessing.. or from having any sort of conversion at all with her crush of the last 7 years, has, first, a run-in with, then, an agreement with a published psychiatrist (with issues of his own) to help her 'fix' them. If, that is, she will help him with one of his own rather debilitating issues.. a fear of his patients.

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