Please Note:

One * = Didn't like it, Don't recommend. Two ** = Typical. Worth seeing at least once. Three *** = I enjoyed it! Worth seeing more then once.
Four **** = It's great! Add it to your all-time favorites list! Five ***** = Epic! Highly Recommended. A totally memorable drama/film.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Moon That Embraces the Sun

The Moon That Embraces the Sun/ The Sun and the Moon/ 해를 품은 달 / Haereul Poomeun Dal **\ (Korean)
20 episodes
Jung Eun Pyo as King's attendant Hyung Sun
Ohh the dramatical Drama! the Intrigue! The convincing characters and storyline that keeps you moving along with interest! This drama is a creatively-written story about an all-consuming love to last the years, and... its also about just how badly things can get mired in political ambition and manipulation.. with just a touch of mysticism thrown in for measure. Favorite character(s): well lessee how to shorten such a long list? Hyung Sun, for his big comical smiles. Jan Shil for being just odd enough to make for an exceptional best friend/sister. and Prince Yang Myung, for finding a way to support his brother when there was much need.

Crown Prince Lee Hwon fell literally for Yeon Woo at first sight. But it was a relationship doomed for a several year fail. For unbeknownst to the two, there was a hidden wrest for power going on that would quickly tear them asunder with forbidden black magic.

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