Sunnyelf's blog review of Asian Dramas and Movies.
This blog is a personal labor of love in a constant flux of improvement.
Please Note:
One * = Didn't like it, Don't recommend. Two ** = Typical. Worth seeing at least once. Three *** = I enjoyed it! Worth seeing more then once. Four **** = It's great! Add it to your all-time favorites list! Five ***** = Epic! Highly Recommended. A totally memorable drama/film.
Short and not really sweet. light romance. Good acting. Made you feel just a bit for the guilty party after the fact. Slightly depressing. Favorite scene(s): mutual screaming.
Guy walks into a car accident and comes down with amnesia. As he tries to sort out the pieces of the life he doesn't remember, he encounters a ghost girl who wants him to remember who she was. With a bit of memory jogging, and some delivery jobs, he begins to remember how his involvement with her began... and ended.
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I Hear Your Voice/ I Can Hear Your Voice/ 너의 목소리가 들려/ Neoui Moksoriga Deulryeo **\ (Korean)
18 episodes
Kim So Hyun as a young Hye Sung
Kim Hae Sook as Hye Sung's mom
Before you think it, having read other drama reviews for this one, (if you have). It -is- a Courtroom drama type, and yes, the lawyers do take on cases that seem practically hopeless. But, that's not even half of what this drama is made of. All of the character's are well-rounded and expertly acted out, and the storyline/plot is well woven throughout the whole thing, including the many seemingly unrelated cases they take on.
Favorite scene(s): So Ha's determined love and all-encompassing desire to protect Hye Sung... Someone who stood with him when no other would, even under certain threat of death and.. the poop-on-the-car incident that had two lawyers dashing madly around a pub table and yelling.
Hye Sung, the daughter of a Judge's housekeeper, is accused of setting a firework off in the face of the lawyer's daughter. After school, she set to prove to Do Yun the error in accusing her, when they see a terrible car crash and murder. A frightened Hye Sung shows up in court as witness for the only surviving victim, a young boy claiming to be able to hear peoples thoughts just by looking at their eyes. Several years later, she has become a jaded defense lawyer, and is called on to defend against the murderer from the past.. but she is not alone this time. She has the help, and sometimes hindrance, of fellow lawyer and love interest, Kwan Woo and a set of cops looking to do right by keeping a watchful eye on them. There is also Soo Ha, now just out of high school, who has once more appeared on the scene and is quickly of invaluable help. Will Min Joon Gook, now free from prison, be returning to fulfill his words of revenge on them?
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Hear Me/ 听说/ Ting Shuo **\ (Taiwanese)
Movie 109mins
Eddie Peng as Tian-kuo
Nice movie. Loved the guy's perseverance, Loved his parent's acceptance. Favorite scene(s): Meeting the girl at her job.
Tian kuo, while delivering lunches to a swimming meet, falls for the younger sister of a deaf competitor called Yang yang. Her dedication and support of her older sister doesn't make getting to know her easy though. One evening, while they are off to the show, older sis, falls asleep at home, unaware the building has caught fire. Out of a sense of guilt, Yang yang breaks it off with Tian kuo.
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Ad Genius Lee Tae Baek/ 광고천재 이태백/ Gwanggocheonjae Lee Tae Baek ** (Korean)
16 episodes
Jang Yong as Chairman Baek
Not a bad tale.. for being heavy-handed with the ad spiel. For a romance, I was a little.. disappointed although.. Certainly the two leads made for terrific partners for putting their heads together.. but beyond that fondness.. I wasn't feeling it between them at all. Not that her pairing with Addie Kang was any better. Favorite character(s): Director Ma
A guy failed at making a name for himself, one day discovers the girl he was waiting for, has left him for loser and climbed the corporate ladder of her dreams without him. He meets an intern copywriter who helps him get acquainted with an ad genius who has seen better days. But a corp higher-up and his backer interfere with his climb into success and makes life difficult for all of them.
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The Grand Heist/ Gone With The Wind/ 바람과 함께 사라지다/
Baramgwa Hamjje Sarajida ** (Korean)
Movie 121 min
Cha Tae-Hyun as Duk-Moo
Rather funny movie, even if it did have a torturous tragedy involved. Favorite character(s): The demolitions expert
After some rather nasty events involving his noble father's losing position, and the death of a dear friend, a bookseller develops a plan and assembles various experts and specialists to steal the ice hoard of a local tyrant.
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A fairly mellow drama, Slow yet constant. The storyline had a good start but seemed somehow cut-short toward the end and left far to many questions unanswered. The main female character kept weebling between 'this subject' and 'that guy' so much I started to wonder if she'd end up with either of them, hidden Gumiho or no. The boyfriend, was a sissy/toughguy to the point of urgish annoyance and the original love was a serious wuss. He gave up waay to easily and put little feeling into even a possibility that they might have a chance together. Even the third wheel was a kind of ehhish character and had to have his perspective changed by being verbally chewed on by his rival for being a selfish nitwit to the girl he liked. This story could have been a whole lot more interesting then it ended up being.
Girl looking for a muse of inspiration for an original story, sees a guy helping someone out and follows him to a nail salon. Since the shop boasted an all-male cast of artists, she dresses down, cuts her hair, and is hired on as the cutesy guy, Bunny. While the guys deal with several hearthurt customers, she becomes more curious about the woman owner (thinking her perhaps a gumiho she once met when young.) and her daily updates on her web-story closely reflect the people she has met, casting herself as a half-gumiho half-human and two of the guys in the shop as hunter and helper.
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Gu Family Book/Ancient Medical Book/ The Writings of Nine Houses/ Book of the House of Gu/ Kang Chi, the Beginning/ 구가의 서/ Gugauiseo ***\ (Korean)
24 episodes
Yoo Dong Geun as Admiral Lee Soon Shin
Terrific watch. Amazing storyline, and great acting all around! I consider this one something of a must watch. What a Wonderful tangle of adventure and romance! Favorite character(s): old master/cook/medic and the girl's 'bodyguard'.
An immortal mountain spirit falls in love with a human woman in trouble from a cruel cold-hearted man. Their time together is shortened by feelings of betrayal and she returns to the human lands. Just after this time, a baby is found floating down the river, and is given into the family of an innkeeper. The child, Kang Chi, grows up without care until the day the cruel man returns once more to the area and changes the lives of the people at the inn. The half Human young man is then given sanctuary at the academy nearby, under the protection of of an admiral who plans to repel the cruel man's plans of dominance. Just as lines are drawn, a foreign merchant group with mysterious illusion abilities enters the fray and the mountain spirit's anger reawakens.
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Children.../Ahyideul.../ 아이들... (Korean)
Movie 132mins
Don't let them fool ya. This Korean film is nowhere close to being in a fantasy romance genre. No real favorite scenes or characters for this one. Just really felt for the children and parents... And a fair bit of understanding for the frustration of the local law as well. Horrible tragedy involved.
5 Young children are out for a day of doing what kids love best.. playing. While they are at it, the township is having an election so it is a bit of time before anyone -really- notices the children have not returned from the nearby mountain. From there it turns to panic, then desperation, then bitter tears as days slowly turn into months then years. Then along comes a prize-winning producer hoping to get back on top of his game with a new sensational story. Along with a conspiratorially-minded professor, The two work up quite a furor in town.
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Spring Bears Love/ Do You Like Spring Bear?/ 봄날의 곰을 좋아하세요?/ Bomnalui Gomeul Johahaseyo *\ (Korean)
Movie 98mins
Oh Gwang-Rok as Hyun-Jae's dad
Kind of melancholy I thought. Just another girl who can't see the trees for the forest. yep, that's right. The trees being whats up close and most important.. and the forest being ideals, or.. what/who else could, however remote the possibility, still be out there. Made me want to shout her down from her stary-eyed surveyance of the too-slight possibility that its all about her, in favor for the fellow who dearly loves her, right in her very face! Thankfully, he was still there when she finally floated back down to terra-firma. Favorite Character(s): Her suffering boyfriend! I know you were mentally dumpt on, guy, I apologize for her. Wasn't really your fault.. she was just being overly dense.
Girl fetching a library book for her dad, sees mystery writing of someone desperately looking to meet his unrequited love at last. Thinking it's herself, she dreams of the writer and follows his writing through several art books in the library. As she does so, the guy who knows her best and loves her most tries his best to gain her attention, even going so far as to check out the art books with the writing in them.. all while she goes about trying to figure out who it could be.
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High School debut/ 高校デビュー/ Koko Debut **\ (Japanese)
Movie 98mins
Junpei Mizobata as You Komiyama
Ito Ono as Haruna Nagashima
Sweet and silly movie. I liked the brand of humor in this one. Not the crazed over-the-top stuff that passes for funny like many Japanese shows seem to show, but a simple clumsy and slap-at-the-forehead humour for being a bit behind in 'normal' life, mixed with some easy mind-reading laughs. Favorite character(s): I liked them all really, well.. except perhaps, for the freakish dog/person statue in front of the school. It was quite the character though.
A girl, having spent most of her previous school years embroiled in baseball, makes the decision, at last, to concentrate on getting a boyfriend before Christmas. If efforts to gain control of her woahfully out of date wardrobe and dating skills, she begs a more popular guy to help her out. He reluctantly agrees, with the condition that she not fall for him.
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Substitute Princess/ Jin Da Hua De Hua Li Mao Xian/ 金大花的華麗冒險/ The Adventure of King Flower ** (Taiwanese)
20 episodes
Nikki Hsieh as Jin Da Hua
A market girl look-a-like, is asked to sub, in secret, for a rich guy's girlfriend, who was in a hiking accident. This comes at a time when Da Hua's father is horribly in debt due to gambling. As Da Hua undergoes transformation in secret, Her 'adopted' brother and love, Guan Jun, makes a deal with the shark holding the notes... and takes on a job as realtor and 'date' for the shark's daughter. Then, just as things seemed to be smoothing out a bit, Ouyang Tai's gf.. dies.
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The Worst Guy Ever/ 내 생애 최악의 남자/ Nae Sangae Choiakeui Namja ** (Korean)
Movie 94mins
Shin Sung-Rok as Kwon Jae-Hoon
A quarrelsome duo wake up after a night of drinking with friends, in eachothers arms. The second time it occurs, they decide to marry, but it isn't long before rivals show on the scene to tempt them away from the marital knot.
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Hyunhaetan Marriage War/ Doenjang-gun and Natto-jjang's Marriage War/ 된장군과 낫토짱의 결혼전쟁/ Doenjanggungwa Nattojjangui Kyeolhonjeonjaeng ** (Korean-Japanese colab)
2 episodes
Im Joo Hwan as Kim Dae Chun
Fun romance with several chuckles at the silliness of the situation. Favorite scene(s): The dad's are finally getting along.
Japanese girl and Korean guy, very much in love, break the news of their desire to marry, to their folks, the father's of whom are badly surprised and against marriage outside their own country.
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The Secret Angel/ 秘密天使 / Mìmì tiānshǐ ** (Korean-Chinese colab)
web drama 10 episodes.
Jang Woo Hyuk as Hwan
Interesting tale. Those 100 days flew by on speedy angel wings too!, Could be the reason I thought it seemed a little too short. I do hope I get to see more from the actors in this drama sometime soon. Favorite scene(s): The angel wings attack.. which was no more then a few light pounds on the death agent's chest.
Story about a clumsy angel who gives away her necklace to a dying human and then has to protect his life for 100 days from an agent of death.
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Two Weddings And a Funeral/ 두 번의 결혼식과 한 번의 장례식/ Du Bunui Gyulhonsikgwa Han Bunui Jangryesik ** (Korean)
Movie 106mins
Good story. I could somehow sympathize with Min-soo's 'cowardly' fright at being found out. Something like that, which could become quickly violent(and did) would be difficult to want to step into the limelight for. A bit of guy-n-guy and girl-n-girl smooching and underwear moments. There is also a Tragically sad/angry moment in this movie. Favorite scene(s): discovery of co-'bottom' bed splat and Sweet Tina's invite to be a supporting hiding place whenever it was needed.
A closeted gay doctor, Min-Soo, Trying to get out of his parent's arrangements, and a coworker, Hyo-Jin, who wants, badly, to adopt a young child, and needs a marriage license to do so... agrees to a fake marriage. Hyo-Jin and her girlfriend, choosing to live across the hall, just in case they are needed together to keep up appearances.
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Antique/ 서양골동양과자점 엔티크/ Sayangkoldong Yangkwajajeom Aentikeu **\ (Korean)
Movie 109 mins
Ju Ji-Hoon as Kim Jin-Hyuk
Good story. There are a few suggestive and underwear scenes in this movie. As argumentative and alluring as Jin-Hyuk and Sun-Woo are, throughout the film, their mutual chemistry/bond was perfectly strong. It did rather have a creepy overtone to the whole, concerning the news broadcasts but it kept the plot moving along even as the shop dealt with the day-to-day mishaps and foibles.
A boy is kidnapped, and mysteriously reappears two months later with little to no conscience memory of the time. Having grown, he opens a cake shop, hiring a school classmate for patisserie who studied in Paris.. and with his own set of trouble and quirks. Then comes along an ex-lightweight boxer with a love for the cakes created by Sun woo. And the clumsy 'bodyguard' who somehow finds his place in the bakery.
And somewhere out there, was a kidnapper and murderer of young boys, looking forward to another sweet bite.
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Fun Romantic Comedy take on a classic tale. I enjoyed the whole storyline and the characters as well. And I just gotta say, Si Wan is quite talented with the comic characters imo. Favorite scene(s): The picnic trick.
A Young noble, secretly part of a thieving group, Is looking for a place to hide after taking the heat for another member on horseback, hides within the room of a lady. Unfortunately, he interrupts the musings of the lady's servant, trying out new clothes, and falls in love, mistaking her for the lady. He soon realizes his error and sticks to his love with glue, in spite of the lady who wishes to betroth him. The servant, knowing that the class differences between them was impossible, Tries to trick him into being with her insistent lady... Then makes a promise with him that she would marry him if he passed the scholars examination.
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Kimi ni Todoke/ 君に届け/ From Me to You **\ (Japanese)
Movie 128 mins
Haruma Miura as Shota Kazehaya
What a sweet school romance! Favorite scene(s): Abruptly leaving the gym, hand in hand.
Shy and quiet Sawako Kuronuma, seeks only to be of help, but becomes something of the school's pariah, Rumors fly about her resemblance and demeanor of a ghost, of how she can curse with a steady gaze of 3 seconds. Many believe the rumors,..but for 4. her teacher, two girls who became good friends, and Shota Kazehaya, whose eyes and ready smile were always on her.
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Rather reminded me of another drama in general storyline. The girl looked the part of a tomboy and sounded too much like a girl, especially when singing. Felt like they had crammed a few too many predictable 'ohno!s'... made the ending seem weak. Favorite character(s): Kwon Ji Woo and his grandma.
Girl fails at classical music school in England, returns to South Korea and stays with her best bud for a time, for fear of her parent's angry reaction. As her longtime friend lacks confidence to stand on stage, despite his dreams of being on it, She goes with him to audition and they are both chosen for the next boy idol team called M2 Junior. People assumed the tomboy was male. She bounces several times off the arrogant lead of M2, and falls in mutual love. This is the start of trouble, as forces maneuver around them to dissolve the team before they could get far.
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A Perfect Match/ 좋은 사람 있으면 소개시켜줘/ Joheun saram isseumyeon sogae shikeojwo ** (Korean)
Movie 101 mins
Slow moving movie. Wasn't especially funny, and the romance was light. still, guess it wasn't a bad plot. Favorite scene(s): quiet Hyun-Soo finely becomes obvious about who he had interest in.
A single and struggling woman working as a matchmaker, has issues finding the right match for his quiet lackadaisical attitude and finds herself liking him more and more herself.
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The Righteous Thief/ The Descendants of Hong Gil-dong
/ 홍길동의 후예/ Hongkildongui Huye ** (Korean)
Movie 117 mins
Lee Si-Young as Song Hyeon-Hwa
Good fun. I liked how well-organized the family was... calmly talking of plans, practice, complaining over the lack of meat, and little brother begging to be let in on it all, at the dinner table. Favorite scene(s): overwhelming smooches and the last-ditch rescue of big brother.
Mom is making supper, dad is giving a lecture, big bro is playing piano for his music class and younger bro has a test. Once the sun goes down, the little family breaks out the dark clothing and makes plans for a visit to a wealthy villa, the proceeds of which then go to the city's poor, in an age-old legacy. One day, the music teacher's intended is kidnapped and he decides to break it off with her.. for everyone's safety. The girl's brother also has crises when the warrant he needed is flat-out denied and his thoughts of a grand collar falls through.
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Gumiho: Tale of the Fox's Child/ Grudge: The Revolt of Gumiho/ The Gumiho's Revenge/ 구미호: 여우누이뎐 / Gumiho: Yeowoonuidyun **\ (Korean)
16 episodes
Lee Min-Ho as Jo Jung-Kyu
The two little girls in this drama well deserve acting awards for this drama imo. Not to say the others weren't amazing as well, just that Yeon Yi stole the limelight every single time she appeared. Not really a romance.. although there was a fair bit of passion. There are also several tragic death's with a sad ending (along with an incredibly loong soliloquy) I soo felt for the ever-supporting mute guy. Favorite character(s): Yeon Yi, her boyfriend, and Chun Woo.
A Gumiho, trying for 10 years to reach humanity, misses the mark when her hubby spills the beans and she is forced cross-country with her just-shy of 10 year old daughter. After a run-in with a tiger, and then a persistant hunter, They are taken in by a 'benevolent' gentleman with a fairly hostile household. Still, they try to stick it out for a time... eventually getting wound up in a web of deceit, as a local shaman manipulates the family, who are desperate to find a cure for their sick daughter.
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Let's Go To The Beach/ 해변으로 가요/ Hae Byun Eh Ro Gayo ** (Korean)
14 episodes
Jun Jin as Jang Tae-hyun
Girl escaped to the city, hoping to catch the next plane out to follow her dreams but Grandpa played a trick on her and she had to return to the little beach-side motel. Along the way she is introduced to 2 guys, not realizing that they are siblings. The younger brother has confidence above his proven ability, at least in his father's eyes. He takes on the duties of a lifeguard to which Yoon Sora is soon added to.
The older brother is known as the manager of the large hotel down the beach, Who quickly falls for her in the worst way.. even backing away from his betrothed and troubling everyone with his obsession to have her.
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(Jang Tae-poong) Lee Wan/Kim Hyung Soo -in- My Sassy Girl, Snow White, My Fair Lady Let's Go To The Beach
(Yoon So-ra) Lee Chung Ah -in- Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, That Fool, My Tutor Friend 2 Let's Go To The Beach
(Park Jae Hyun) Kim Jung Wook -in- Couple of Fantasy Let's Go To The Beach
(Yoon Man Bok) Baek Il Sub -in- A Man Called God, Marrying the Mafia, My Boyfriend is Type-B, Spy Girl, My Tutor Friend Let's Go To The Beach
Fukada Kyoko as Chiyomi
Ninomiya Kazunari as Minami
2nd version of an original idea, I believe. Not a bad tale really.. almost in spite of the issues. I was expecting the seductress girl to be a bit more ruthless then she turned out to be... not sure just why that was...almost a disappointment. Acting in general was so-so yet not horrible. Could have something to do with having to act through the camera trickery.
Fav scene(s): the implied, 'I'm not worried about you.. I'm worried about..' ... me.(?)
A guy and girl's mutual love is tested, stressed, and then changed.. when one is shrunken to a much smaller version of themselves.
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Doremifasolasido/ Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do/ 도레미파솔라시도 *\ (Korean)
movie 105 mins
Cha Ye-Ryun as Yoon Jung-Won
A Romance of sorts. I wasn't terribly interested in the storyline, really. Found it fairly boring and a bit depressing. It was nice to see JGS again, looked good in the haircut, I thought. Fav character(s): Eun-Kyu for his sweet smile on an otherwise dreary day.
Girl and her brother meet their new rooftop vista neighbors as they are horsing around, trying to stay out of the way of their martial instructing father. As bro goes off in search of a cat, the girl gets a bit better acquainted with the guitar-playing Eun-Kyu. When he intro's her to the band he plays with, she is forced to let go of him out of guilt for the misfortunes of one of the member's she has a past with.
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Incarnation of Money/ Money Incarnation/ Money Demons/ The Embodiment of Money/ Money Incarnate/ 돈의 화신 / Donui Hwashin **\ (Korean)
24 episodes
Park Ji Bin as Kang Suk
A bit of comic relief, a bit of romance, all wrapped up in a heavily vengeful plan. Favorite character(s): the funny underling and secretary of Lee Cha Don and the loan shark 'gentleman' mother.
Favorite scene(s): messing with the cell-pal's food and.. spiriting away the money from before the oblivious faces of the watchful enemy.
A father who doted on his son, snarled at his wife, and kept a famous actress mistress, is set up for a fatal last day by two legal types, the mistress, and a reporter. Then, after framing the mother and trying to run over the boy, they take the inheritance and sell the property. Several years later, the amnesiac boy has grown under the patronage of a loan shark's money into a fine prosecutor. He attempts to free a suffering woman from a sanatorium and gains confidence and cash as an extortion artist. He suffers near complete loss for it when he comes up bad-side of the killer group. Discovering a possible way to gain ownership of a lot of money that was dug up from the ground, he goes under-cover to get back into contact with the woman he had tried to free. Under deplorable conditions he finds her and is shown a picture of his own youthful face with that of his mother, and his long dead father. From this point onward, he is determined to expose the ruthless murderers for the atrocities they had committed on his family.
"Up & Down"
by Exid
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Jin/ 仁 (Japanese)
11 episodes - season 1
11 episodes - season 2 Ayase Haruka as
Tachibana Saki
Osawa Takao as Minakata Jin
Time Slip Dr. Jin/ 닥터 진/ Dak-teo Jin/ Dr. Jin ** (Korean)
22 episodes Jin Yi Han as Hong Young Hwi
A medical time story, semi-romance based on Japanese manga story. The Korean version could have been a little less gross about the operations, I thought, without effecting the solidity of the storyline. Well I survived and hung on through the blood,guts,n gore clear to the end and, all in all, it wasn't that bad of a drama. Favorite character(s): the death defying brother.
A neurosurgeon removes a fetus from a mystery patient's brain, only to fall off a building and find himself many years in an alternate past. There, he meets and gets entangled in deadly political intrigue, as a relative of royalty covets the throne for his son, and the removal of an old ruling clan. The poor doc is in a race against time and the age, all while trying hard to keep the girl who looks exactly like his sick girlfriend, safe, keep history on its correct course as well as to follow his doctor's instincts to save life for those in need, no matter their rank or what side they might be on..
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(Jin Hyuk) Song Seung Hun -in- My Princess, Summer Scent, He Was Cool
(Yoo Mi Na/Hong Young Rae) Park Min Young -in- City Hunter, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, I'm Sam
(Kim Kyung Tak) Kim Jae Joong/Yeong Woong Jae Jung/Jejung -in- Protect the Boss, Codename: Jackal
(Prince/Lee Ha Eung) Lee Bum Soo -in- IRIS II, Project Makeover, 200 Pounds Beauty, She's on Duty, Please Teach Me English, Bunge Jumping of Their Own, The Romantic President
(Young Rae's brother/Hong Young Hwi) Jin Yi Han -in- Hooray for Love, Who Are You?, Love, So Divine
(Kyung Tak's father/Kim Byung Hee) Kim Eung Soo/キム・ウンス -in- Vampire Prosecutor, Fugitive: Plan B, Secret Investigation Record, Marrying the Mafia III, Art of Fighting, For the Sake of Son
(Young Rae's mother) Kim Hye Ok -in- Scent of a Woman, Baby-faced Beauty, It's Okay, Daddy's Girl, My Sweet City, Powerful Opponents, I Hate You, But It's Fine, I Really Really Like You, Wonderful Life, My Dear Enemy, My Little Bride, My Tutor Friend
(Yoo Hong Pil) Kim Il Woo -in- IRIS II, Sweet Spy
(doctor/Heo Gwang) Jung Eun Pyo -in- Paradise Ranch, Invincible Lee Pyung Kang, Le Grand Chef
(Kwon Ik Joo) Lee Seung Joon -in- Kiss Me, Kill Me
(loan shark/Joo Pal) Lee Won Jong -in- Vampire Prosecutor, Wild Romance, Scent of a Woman, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, A Man Called God, Gourmet, Iljimae, 200 Pounds Beauty
(Kkae Bok) Kim Kwang Sik -in- When It's At Night, Iljimae, My Tutor Friend 2
(Kim Byung Ok) Kim Byung Choon -in- City Hunter, Love Exposure, Jeon Woo-Chi, Tamra, the Island
(dowager/King's mother Jo) Jung Hye-Sun -in- Bread, Love and Dreams, Cinderella Man,
(Noble man Lee) Kim Myeong-Kuk -in- Romantic Debtors, Spy Girl, Ohlala Couple, A Man Called God, My Fair Lady
(linen shop owner) Jo Mi-Ryung -in- Love in Magic, Can't Live With Losing, Dr. Gang
(King Cheoljong) Kim Byeong-Se -in- A Millionaire's First Love, Full House Take 2, Color of Women, The Last Scandal of My Life
(Teacher Kang) Ha Soo-Ho -in- The Secret Reunion
(Noble woman Jo) Jang Yeong-Nam -in- Hello Ghost, Finding Mr. Destiny, My Girlfriend is an Agent, 7th Grade Civil Servant, I Love Lee Tae-Ri, Vampire Prosecutor, Three Fathers, One Mother, Dalja's Spring
(French Priest Liddell) Fabien Yoon -in- The King 2hearts