Please Note:

One * = Didn't like it, Don't recommend. Two ** = Typical. Worth seeing at least once. Three *** = I enjoyed it! Worth seeing more then once.
Four **** = It's great! Add it to your all-time favorites list! Five ***** = Epic! Highly Recommended. A totally memorable drama/film.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Celeb to Binbo Taro

Celeb to Binbo Taro/ Celeb & Poor/ Celeb & poor Taru/ セレブと貧乏太郎 ** (Japanese)
11 episodes

Kamiji Yusuke as Sato Taro
A light comedy and romance. I did feel for Taru when the house burnt down.. he lost what little he had, including his deceased wife's wedding dress. Fav character(s): Taru and the reporter.

A poor fellow, caring for his three little children takes on a job as driver for a rich young lady and inadvertently, gets involved in trouble when the ex-boyfriend shows up.

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